- Tumis kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang dan bunga cengkih bersama bawang merah, bawang putih dan halia (dikisar/mayang terlebih dahulu).
- Masukkan daun kari dan daun pandan.
- Setelah garing tumisan, masukkan serbuk kari yang dibacuh dengan sedikit santan dan air. Kacau sehingga betul2 garing dan naik bau.
- Masukkan ayam. Biar seketika sehingga ayam masak. Masukkan kentang yang dipotong dadu kecil.Boleh tambah sedikit air.
- Blend keledek yang telah direbus terlebih dahulu. Masukkan ke dalam periuk kari tadi.
- Masukkan isi kerang, fish cake (hiris) dan tauhu kering yang dipotong 2. Biarkan seketika.
- Masukkan santan pekat, tambah air (mengikut kesesuaian kepekatan-lupa lak den nak sukat)
- Masukkan air asam jawa, garam dan gula.
- Siap untuk dihidang dan SELAMAT MENCUBA!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Mee Kari Special
Bukan main masak2!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Time to walk!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Will mother kick the baby bird out??
For analogy, we know the birds born to fly. At the same time birds in the nest need to learn how to fly..and how at a certain point the mother will kick them out of the nest. She doesn't just keep bringing these litle baby birds food for the rest of their life, even though she loves them so much. She knows that at a certain point they have wings. And that learning to fly takes instinct and practice.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Puzzle oh puzzle...
suatu ketika dahulu...
Ibu ingat lagi gambar ini diambil semasa ibu bersama keluarga menghadiri Hari Keluarga MDB (tempat ayah kerja). Time ni ibu tengah tunggu SPM tahun 1994!
Sup ayam pencen
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sexual harassment!
Yang rapuh kan terlerai juaaa...
Garden hubby...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Kisah sebuah misteri...jeng!jeng!jeng!
Khasiat Pokok Selasih
Masyarakat Melayu, India dan Cina sama-sama manfaatkan kebaikan selasih
Noor Hasnah Adam
AIR katirah dan bulan Ramadan memang sinonim sekali di Singapura. Bila tiba bulan Ramadan, air katirah akan dicari orang ramai.
Air katirah bukan sahaja dapat melegakan dahaga bahkan mempunyai khasiat yang tinggi untuk memberi tenaga pada tubuh badan.
Antara ramuan air katirah ialah buah semangkuk, buah katira, gajus, kismis, kurma, agar-agar, badam, halwa kabung, susu dan beberapa bahan lain. Paling menarik, air katirah tidak akan lengkap tanpa biji selasih.
Selasih atau nama saintifiknya Ocimum Sandium atau bahasa Inggeris disebut basil, tergolong dalam keluarga Lablatae. Masyarakat Melayu turut menggelarnya ruku-ruku atau ruku hitam.
Spesies pokok ini sebenarnya berasal dari negara beriklim panas seperti India, benua Asia, Afrika dan Amerika Selatan. Dipercayai, pedagang India telah memperkenalkan dan membawa selasih ke rantau ini.
Selasih adalah sejenis tanaman semusim yang tumbuh menegak dengan ketinggian antara 30 hingga 90 sentimeter.
Batangnya bersegi dan berwarna sama ada hijau, ungu atau perang. Daunnya berwarna hijau pekat, tunggal dan berbentuk bujur telur. Di rantau ini pada kebiasaannya, pembungaan bagi tanaman daripada biji benih bermula selepas lebih kurang 75 hari selepas di tanam ke ladang.
Bunganya terdapat di bahagian hujung batang dan dahan pokok. Kelopak bunganya berwarna hijau keunguan dan bahagian atas bunganya berwarna putih atau merah jambu pucat.
Keseluruhan bahagian tumbuhan boleh mengeluarkan bauan yang sangat beraroma. Namun bauan itu juga boleh memabukkan.
Pokok selasih tumbuh dengan baik di kawasan beriklim tropika. Biasanya masyarakat India menanam pokok ini di halaman rumah dan kuil.
Golongan tua biasanya memakan pucuk dan daun muda selasih sebagai ulam.
Aroma selasih pula digunakan sebagai perasa dalam makanan manakala biji selasih dibuat minuman.
Minuman selasih dipercayai dapat menyejukkan badan.
Di India, selasih mempunyai nilai perubatan yang tinggi dan menjadi bahan keagamaan serta kepercayaan.
Masyarakat India mengenali tumbuhan selasih ini sebagai 'vishnu priya'. Penggunaan selasih amat penting dalam sistem perubatan Ayurveda masyarakat India dan perubatan Jiu Cheng Ta masyarakat Cina.
Dari sudut saintifik, kajian menunjukkan bahawa daun selasih dapat meningkatkan atau mengembalikan selera, membuang angin dalam perut dan usus, juga membuang hingus dan lendir dalam sistem pernafasan.
Jus daun selasih boleh menjadi penawar kala jengking dan patukan ular, meredakan sakit perut dan mengurangkan tahap gula di dalam darah.
Air rebusan daun selasih boleh digunakan untuk berkumur bagi mengurangkan sakit gigi.
Bagi masyarakat Melayu pula, daun selasih dimakan atau air rebusannya diminum untuk mengurangkan batuk.
Jika demam, daun selasih yang ditumbuk lumat perlu ditampal ke dahi untuk mengurangkan panas dan sakit kepala.
Biji selasih pula digunakan sebagai tonik untuk menjaga kesihatan badan.
Minyak pati yang dihasilkan melalui pengekstrakan daun dan bunga selasih digunakan dalam industri minyak wangi, farmasiutikal, aromaterapi dan makanan dengan memanfaatkan bauan dan perisa yang asli.
Masyarakat Melayu percaya bahawa minyak selasih dapat mengubat sakit telinga, sakit kulit dan turut menjadi pencegah serangga.
Tanaman selasih mempunyai berbagai-bagai kegunaan bukan sahaja di Asia bahkan di Barat. Di Amerika pula disebabkan kecantikan dan bau yang menarik, beberapa baka terpilih telah jadikan sebagai tanaman landskap dan tanaman hiasan.
Dalam pantun-pantun Melayu, banyak mengaitkan 'selasih' dengan hubungan kasih sayang;
Nasi lemak buah bidara,
Sayang selasih hamba lurutkan;
Hilang emak hilang saudara,
Kerana kasih hamba turutkan.
Batang selasih permainan budak,
Daun sehelai dimakan kuda;
Bercerai kasih bertalak tidak,
Seribu tahun kembali juga.
Dalam sastera rakyat Asal Usul Danau Maninjau, ada disebut pantun berikut;
Sudah lama merendam selasih,
Barulah kini mau mengembang;
Sudah lama kupendam kasih,
Barulah kini bertemu pandang.
Selasih turut menjadi nadi dalam lirik-lirik lagu terkenal seperti yang dinyanyikan oleh Ahmad Jais dan Allahyarhamha Rafeah Buang;
Kutanam selasih
Kutanamkan di hujung halaman
Mengenangkan kasih wahai sayang
Yang aku tinggalkan....
Ternyata, tanaman selasih yang kaya dengan khasiat perubatan turut menerbitkan hubungan rapat dan kasih sayang antara manusia Melayu dengan tumbuhan itu. Semuanya jelas terpancar dalam pantun-pantun dan sastera Melayu.
Monday, November 22, 2010
tak sempat lapar...
Hari minggu merupakan hari yang paling ditunggu oleh ibu. Hari untuk bersantai bersama keluarga terchinta.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Lebaran sepi...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Mari berkebun...
Friday, November 12, 2010
Copy Pasta...
This morning, my hubby called me to share about this. Quite interesting info to share with u all.
By Kimberly Fusaro
10 Things the HR Department Won't Tell You
1. Background checks have gone beyond Google.
Before calling in applicants for a job interview, HR will snoop around online to make sure there are no virtual red flags. “Social media ‘stalking’ has become the norm—especially at larger companies,” says Mary Hladio, who worked in human resources for more than 15 years and is currently CEO of leadership group Ember Carriers. “Beyond typing names into a search engine, companies will also employ sophisticated online monitoring platforms that dig even deeper. If there’s something on the Internet you wouldn’t want your boss to see, it’s probably in your best interest to take it down.”
2. Arriving super-early for an interview is almost as bad as arriving late.
Of course, if someone shows up late for an interview, he or she isn’t going to get a callback, says Amy Habedank, human resources manager ofPinnacle Services. But she’s also hesitant to hire someone who shows up an hour early. “It feels like they have no regard for my time,” she says. If you’re headed to a job interview, don’t show up more than 10 minutes before; if you get there with time to spare, catch up on email or listen to relaxing music before heading in.
3. Your physical appearance matters.
“Research suggests that the decision to hire or to deselect a candidate is made within the first 90 seconds of the interview,” says human resources consultant Steve Cohen, author of Mess Management: Lessons from a Corporate Hit Man. That means you must arrive at a job interview in a clean, well-put-together outfit with neat fingernails, smoothed-down hair and fresh breath. Also, think twice about any eccentricities. “Some people might be able to look past pink hair and black nail polish, but it will affect their decision,” says Hladio.
Check out a foolproof outfit that’s perfect for a job interview.
4. Personal hygiene counts, too.
Smelling like cigarette smoke can work against you, as can having body odor. Because both conditions are within an individual’s control, an employee or job candidate who smells bad is viewed as lacking professionalism, Cohen says. Plus, an employee who smells bad is a public relations liability. Most companies won’t tolerate poor personal hygiene in an employee or potential employee.
5. You won’t get hired to work from home if you aren’t a “home professional.”
If you’re applying for a work-from-home position, you need to present yourself as a “home professional” from the get-go. This means that when HR first calls to express interest, there better not be crying babies or barking dogs in the background. “When an applicant has no control over the noise level in her home, it’s a signal that she’s not ready for virtual work,” says Shilonda Downing, who’s in charge of hiring for Virtual Work Team. You’ll also need a quiet home office space if you’re petitioning your current boss for work-from-home hours.
6. Being overweight can work against you.
Even though overweight individuals can be fast on their feet and slim people can be lazy, an interviewer might assume an obese job candidate won’t be able to keep up at a “high-performance” company. Cohen gives the example of a manufacturing company that prided itself on efficiency and speed. Every prospective employee was taken on a walking tour of the large plant before being hired. If the prospect couldn’t keep up with the owner’s fast pace on the facility tour, he or she wouldn’t be hired. If you’re worried your size may be working against you, Cohen suggests emphasizing how adept and resourceful you are.
7. Ageism (illegally) exists.
“People who have seen their 50th birthday are losing jobs to younger people, even though ageism is illegal,” says Dennis Kravetz, head of human resources consulting firm Kravetz Associates. Older employees hoping for a promotion need to be extra-vigilant about staying on top of trends and technology. In a job interview, emphasize what you’ve learned from years of experience and explain how you’ve grown along with your industry.
8. Your relationship is being monitored if you’re dating a coworker.
“Sometimes people meet their future spouse at the office,” says Cohen. “But mostly, dating coworkers is risky.” Even if dating among colleagues is allowed, a relationship that ends badly is going to affect other people in the office. It gets extra-tricky if a romantic relationship between a supervisor and his or her subordinate sours. “Human resources is watching behavior that could turn litigious,” warns former human resources executive J.T. O’Donnell, founder of Careerealism.com.
9. Your Internet usage is probably being documented.
Don’t assume there’s any level of confidentiality when it comes to company technology, whether it’s email, voicemail or indiscriminate use of the Internet, Cohen says. “In a situation where an employee’s integrity or credibility is in question, there will always be an audit of her computer usage.” That means your boss probably isn’t randomly checking to see how often you log on to Facebook. But if he’s looking for a reason to fire you, your computer records could provide easy ammunition.
10. Your good and bad behavior matter—but the bad matters more.
“Promotions have favoritism built in,” says Hladio. Good behavior and positive experiences have a “shelf life” of three to six months. You need to continually impress your employer in order to stand out as an exceptional employee. Bad behavior and negative experiences, on the other hand, can linger in an employer’s mind for years.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Menangani stress..
5-S can be defined as:
1. Seiri (Proper Arrangement and Clearing Up)
a) Look around your work area and ask yourself “is it really necessary for all items to be there?”
b) Separate O.K., reworkable and rejected items
c) Rework the reworkable items and dispose of the rejected items.
2. Seiton (Orderliness)
Items must be placed inprefixed locations so that they are easily accessible and can be easily used. Make sure that items can be clearly identified by labelling them properly.
3. Seiso (Clean Up)
Seiso means cleaning the work place and all the machinery by ourselves.
4. Seiketsu (Standardisation)
Even a clean work place with proper selection and proper arrangement will soon become dirty if Seiri, Seiton and Seiso are not continuously repeated. Let us prevent problems by keeping things standardized and maintaining a good environment.
5. Shisuke (Discipline)
Everyone shuld be disciplined to follow strictly the rules and maintain standards while working. For example let us adhere to the timings and let us follow the prescribed operation standads. Everybody should wear shoes for safety.
By thoroughly enforcing 5S in each work area.
1. Operations can be performed without error, proceeding in a well-regulated fashion, resulting in fewer defective items thereby increasing the overall quality of product.
2. Operations can be performed safely and comfortably, reducing the chances of accidents.
3. Machinery and equipment can be carefully maintained, reducing the number of breakdowns.
4. Operations can be performed efficiently, eliminating waste thereby incrasing the efficiency and productivity.
How to Achieve 5S
5S can be achieved very easily by every employee by having a close look at his work place. He is to ensure that
1. No rejected / unwanted items are lying at his work place.
2. All items are kept in proper locations/order.
3. Everybody should co-operate with each other in keeping his and others areas and the machines clean.
4. All follow rules and regulations and maintain required standards.
Please Check
1. Do you have any unuseful thing around you?
2. Are all the required things kept at their allocated places?
3. Are you following the timings?
4. Are you following the operating standards?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Dr. Palsu??
Hangat berita hari ini tentang kisah 'Dr.' Asmara yang dikatakan mendapat doktor palsu daripada sebuah universiti palsu. Kes ini berjaya dibongkar setelah sekian lama dr Asmara tu menggunakan panggilan doktor. Sebelum ni pun dah ramai yang mempertikaikan ijazah kedoktoran yang dia dapat tu. Orang lain bagai nak mati berhempas pulas belajar untuk mendapat doktor falsafah., dia senang2 jer dapat. Agak menghairankan dan mengajaibkan...
Apa2 pun...den tak sabar nak tunggu kesudahannya...'everything is money..or money is everything???'
Sedikit makluman yg diambil dr sumber KOSMO.
LONDON – University of Wales di United Kingdom (UK) menggantung hubungannya dengan Kolej Antarabangsa Fazley (FIC) milik penyanyi Malaysia, Fazley Yaakob sehingga satu siasatan dilakukan.
Menurut satu laporan Perbadanan Penyiaran British (BBC), tindakan itu dilakukan ekoran kontroversi berkaitan dengan kelayakan akademik penyanyi tersebut yang dikatakan memiliki ijazah doktor falsafah (Ph.D) dan sarjana palsu dalam bidang pentadbiran perniagaan.
BBC dalam program Week In Week Out: University Challenged mendakwa Fazley memiliki Ph.D palsu dan kini mengendalikan kolej yang menawarkan kursus sarjana muda dari University of Wales.
Dalam program itu, Fazley dituduh memiliki kelulusan itu dari sebuah universiti palsu.